Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dirt Bags open house

As President of the Dirt Bags clay club, I have to say we did an excellent job at making this first annual Fine Arts open house a special event. Both members and non-members came together to make it all possible. Once we got the gears turning other professors and students joined in to make it bigger than expected. There were musicians vibrating air waves and plenty of good food to go around which created the perfect atmosphere for viewing the artwork. Troy and Ashley created installations in the back rooms. This picture of camo colored porcelain babies is a statement on the war in the middle east. It was a very emotional work of art for many who entered the dark room with gun powder smell lingering in the air. Troy created mixed media sculptures that lay on a bed of dirt and ash to represent people who were killed from the volcanic eruption at Pompeii. I would like to thank all who helped make it possible! See you next year.